
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blackest Night Cometh!

For the past decade almost, Geoff Johns has been crafting what I believe will be one of the greatest comic book runs of all time. Through the years he has built story after story, carefully pacing himself and giving us hints of what is to come. First it was the Sinestro Corps War then came the Rage of the Red Lanterns which was eclipsed by the Sins of the Star Saphires and eventually came Agent Orange and the War of Light. Yet all has been leading to this point.


The first issue of this blockbuster event hit stores today with its companion piece TALES OF THE CORPS. And I must say that Johns is gearing up for something special.

The concept is simples. Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange and Violet Lantern Corps have emerged with the Green Lanterns at the center of it all. War ravages the universe but a new threat has emerged. I can almost hear the buzzing fly-ish sound the Black Rings fly through space with. But get close enough and you realize they as saying flesh. The Black Lanterns have come to raise those dead in the DC Universe which includes some powerful peeps if I do say so myself.

This story really has so much potential to be awesome! And with the first issues as good as they are, my hopes are pretty frickin' high. I mean, zombie superheroes in the already fantastic Green Lantern saga? What more could you ask for?

Johns pacing is impeccable giving the book a very cinematic feel. It builds with revelations and shocking moments in between the beautiful splash pages. And Johns has crept a very tangible layer of horror into this superhero tale, which is excitingly new and fresh. Ivan Reis' pencils are dare I say some of the best in his career. The rotten and twisted faces and bodies of the Black Lanterns are terrifying to behold and the gore is unprecedented in DC history.

Alas, we must wait until next month for the story to continue but at fortunately DC is providing us with three Green Lantern books before then so I don't go completely insane. Sounds off with your thoughts or critiques.